Monday, August 31, 2015


Those of you on Facebook know that I spent part of my Saturday afternoon voluntarily watching football.  It was on ESPN, which rarely happens for my Alma Mater, and I asked the hubby to flip to it just so I could check the score.  Then I got sucked in.  To football.  Which I hate.  I blame the hubby.  Although even I have to admit that it was a really good game, and UM won by scoring a touchdown with 6 seconds left.  I still can't believe I watched it, though, and couldn't believe it when I was sitting there watching it.  I did look at shoes while watching, so maybe I'm not a completely lost cause.  My college's colors are maroon and silver or gray, so here are some school spirited shoes:

We start with shoes I would actually wear to a game.  Because crazy I might be, but I'm not crazy enough to wear heels to a football game.  Especially in Montana where I'm likely to get frostbite.  I like the first one best.

It's hard to find cute shoes with both colors.  I like the accent details here with a little bit of the silver.

I love these. A lot.

I couldn't find many options where the silver was the dominant color, which is OK, because I think I like it better as the accent color.

Well this is...sparkly.  I should like it, it's a t-strap, but I don't know.  Maybe it's cuter on.


Yesterday was a fun day because I got to see my auntie for the first time in 2 years.  She is house-sitting for a friend in Sonoma, so I drove there to see her and the 2 friends who came with her.  It was awesome to get to hang out, and she looks amazing.  We went thrift store shopping and I found the cutest dress, so that was fun.  I also found some really cute brown Clarks, but they were too big.  Sadness.  Oh, speaking of Clarks, I'm pretty sure I ran errands like this on Saturday:

This is what happens when I like a shoe so much I buy it in multiple colors.

In other news, today is Laughter's 5th birthday! She is such a smart, beautiful, funny little drama queen.  Don't try to get any of her bacon, though, because she will NOT share.  Here are some bacon shoes just for her (and I know these are for a baby and not a 5 year old, but some of the bacon shoes are really creepy):

Now that we're all caught up on the weekend, I'll tell you what else I've been thinking about.   I might take a break from posting.  I haven't been posting regularly anyway, first because we've been so busy with the new office, but also because I'm feeling so blah, I'm not inspired, and I don't want to keep posting depressing stuff.  Yesterday was awesome, I loved seeing my aunt, but I am in such a pit of depression right now that I wasn't fully present in the moment.  I couldn't get out of my own head and I was on the verge of tears for most of the day.  The hubby and I have had some major bumps in the road the past few weeks (hell, for our entire marriage if we're honest), I think I've ruined a relationship with someone I really care about, I feel like I'm failing at everything, and I can't keep dumping it here.  So I might post occasionally when I have the time and inclination, but I don't think it will be on a regular basis for awhile.  Not even shoes can pull me out of this pit of despair.

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