Monday, September 14, 2015

Owl Family

You might remember, if you've been reading for awhile, that the Pinterest Friend loves owls.  She and her family moved to Idaho last summer, and just recently bought a new house.  Yay!  Because she's awesome, I wanted to send her something as a housewarming gift.  I went in search of some fun owl crochet patterns and ended up making her a little owl family:

The pattern was for parents and a baby, which is perfect as she and her husband have a son.  These were a lot of fun to make, and I think they turned out pretty cute (and I might have to tie my hands together to stop myself from blathering on about all of the mistakes I made, especially with the baby).

The PF got the owl family today, and posted this picture on Facebook.  Wasn't that so sweet of her?  She's all kinds of awesome.  I'm sure you won't be surprised to learn that I then went off on a search for crocheted owl shoes:

I somehow don't think the PF's son and hubby would be keen on having a family of matching owl slippers.  Their loss, really.

The potential baby might end up with a rainbow of owl slippers!

And clearly (s)he would then need a rainbow of matching owl hats.

And a rainbow of matching Mama slippers!

So many adorable owls, so little time.

Obviously the blue ones are my favorite.

Yay for good friends, fun projects, and actually posting!  Oh, and the fact that it only got up to 73 here today after being 108 on Friday.

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