Saturday, November 28, 2015

November 28

So sometimes when I'm trying to find something to inspire me to post, I just type random phrases into google and see what pops up.  Today after trying a few things and not coming up with anything, I typed in "28 shoes" (yes all I could come up with was the date) and here is a selection of what I found:

I love this.  I have no idea what it has to do with 28, though.  Actually that's true of all of tonight's shoes.

Sparkly!  I'm guessing these are wedding shoes of some variety.

This is a weird shoe, but I kind of like it.  I love the colors, and the shape is interesting.  I'd love to try it on to see how it looks.

Awwww...for the little shoe lover in your lifee.

This says Christmas party to me.

These just say fun to me.  Love them.

I love this, too.  I keep trying to find yellow shoes and not having any luck.  

So there is my random post for the evening.  I'm now going to take my puppies and my headache and go to bed.

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