Monday, November 30, 2015


Apparently today was National Mousse Day!  I need to find these things out sooner so I can partake and indulge in some yumminess.  I would have eaten chocolate mousse for breakfast if I'd known!  Mousse shoes don't really exist, so I'm taking some liberty and going with MOOSE shoes instead:

Baby shoes, slippers, and boots.  These are a few of my favorite things!  Hmmm...maybe I need to do a Sound of Music post one of these days....

Anyhoo, I hope you had a good National Mousse Day, whatever kind of moose it may or may not have involved. Our day was up and down.  Not great, but the hubby was really upbeat about some things, so that balanced my more cynical viewpoint.  We did receive some happy mail, though, so that helped.  Yay, mail!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure Auntie needs some moose boots and slippers, maybe even some mousse! ME
