Wednesday, December 30, 2015

3rd Blogiversary

Can you believe I've been writing this dorky little blog for 3 years now? Yep, 3 years ago today I wrote the first post and I've been going more or less ever since. In a fun coincidence, this is also my 800th post! That's a lot of blah blah on my part.

Here is how the calendar celebrated the day:

Yay blue! It's like the calendar knew.

So the problem with starting the blog the same year as the the hubby and I got married is that the anniversaries are the same. The 3rd anniversary is leather, and I did a blue leather post in August. So instead of matching the calendar with more blue I will go with the 6th day of Christmas and do red and green leather.

Shoes for the hubby, flats and heels for me, and of course some cute jackets just because.

I'd intended for this post to be longer but I'm at Starbucks using the internet and my kindle is about to die. Also for some reason is a giant pain in the patootie to post on this thing, it's taken me an hour just to do this much and I'm totally annoyed and frustrated. I'm going home to eat chocolate.


  1. Wow, the hubby's shoe closet is growing nicely. ME

    1. It's an imaginary closet for an imaginary hubby since my real one wouldn't wear any of the ones I post. :-)

  2. If you can have imaginary shoes in your closet you can put imaginary shoes in his closet. Then from time to time your imaginary selves can go do fun things. ME
