Tuesday, December 29, 2015

5th Day of Christmas

I've shown you all of the Christmas crochet I did this year, so I had to come up with something else to post about today.  You might remember that 2 years ago I did a 12 Days of Christmas series, so I've already done a 5 Gold Rings post, but I thought I'd use the same theme to do a slightly different post this year.  And so I give you Fiiiiiiive Goooooold Ring(holder)s...ba dum bum bum!

Very golden.  I don't know if it's the lighting or if it's actually a rose gold, but I like it.

That's a lot of gold sparkly thingies.  I have an ornament on the shoe tree that looks a lot like this.

This one is pretty.  The braid is a little tacky-looking, but overall I like the pattern and details.

Ooooh...jewels.  And if this was a real shoe it would totally kill my feet.

Rose gold sparkles?  I think this one is my favorite.

It's been a rough day.  You ever have one of those days (weeks?  months?  years?) where you feel like you're being punished for something?  It's been like that for us lately.  I don't believe that's the way things work, but some days I can definitely understand why people do.  Ugh.  Where's the fast forward button?

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