Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Another Happy Anniversary!

Today is the hubby's parents' 49th anniversary.  Yep, our parents got married less than a week apart in 1966 - how crazy is that?  Which means next year we have to be in Montana and Ohio over the course of a week to celebrate the 50ths!  Should be fun.  Since I covered the traditional 49th Anniversary gifts in Mom and Dad's post, I'm going with shoes from 1966 for Mil and Fil's post.  (Sheesh...they could have at least gone a year apart so I had different stuff to post on...clearly they weren't thinking about MY needs...(heehee)).


Am I the only one who thinks of the Google logo when they see these?  No?  Just me then?

When The Bean was younger she would have referred to this color as "foosha," which is how I still say fuchsia because it's more fun.  These shoes are pretty fun, too.  A little odd, maybe, but still fun.

I like all of these except the red one.  I don't even fully hate that one, just not fond of the attempt to make a man's shoe into a woman's shoe in this case.  I do like its jaunty bow, though. Also, what's up with the fishnets?  If either of my moms was wearing fishnets in 1966 I think I don't want to know about it.

These are bright and fun and need a bright and fun mini dress to go with.

So Happy Anniversary to my (other) mom and dad!  Did I already mention that I got lucky in the in-law department?


  1. Maybe you should change that to next year unless you have found a way to really speed up time. ME

    1. Reread sentence number three. ME

    2. I fixed it, so now this conversation won't make any sense to someone reading the blog the fix!
