Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Happy Birthday, FiL!

Today is my father-in-law's 70th birthday.  We tried to call him something like 10 times before we actually got to talk to him, every other time the phone was busy.  He said he felt like the president he had so many calls today, which is lovely because he is awesome.  He makes me laugh like crazy.  Half the time we can't understand a word the other one says (thankfully we have the hubby to interpret), but I love talking to him every week.  He says I'm a "jokester" which means I make him laugh, too.  I definitely lucked out in the in-law department because my mama-in-law is great also.  

So, the FiL is from Alabama, a state I've never been to, but hope to visit some day so I can see some of the hubby's favorite places to visit from childhood.  I don't really know much about Alabama except what the hubby and his dad have told me, but I decided to type in "Alabama shoes" just to see what would come up.  I knew I'd get sports shoes, because one thing I do know about the state is that they love them their football team.  I assume other sports as well?  I've posted sports-themed shoes before, but I have to give it to Bama, these are some of my favorite:

This is typical of what I was expecting when I started looking, as this is indicative of the majority of sports shoes I've found in other searches.  Although I do like the colors a lot.

But then these came up.  And maybe they aren't overtly sports-related, maybe they have nothing to do with Alabama except for the color scheme, but I don't care, because adorable!

I like the subtlety of these, they don't scream "rabid sports fan."  Plus, they are shiny red shoes, so what's not to like?

Are you noticing a theme?  I found several houndstooth options.  I may have to like this sports stuff just for the shoes...

Aha!  The houndstooth wasn't just random or coincidence!  I don't know about sports, but Alabama definitely gets my vote for having the best sports-related shoes.

So, are any of these shoes my FiL would appreciate?  I'm guessing no, but as he doesn't read my blog let's just not tell him, OK?  This is just my way of celebrating his birthday in my own way since I can't be in Ohio to celebrate with him.  I promise I won't ever try to make him wear any of these shoes.

Happy Birthday, (other) Dad!


  1. You would no longer be his favorite daughter-in-law if you did, silly. ME
