Tuesday, December 15, 2015


Today is National Cupcake Day!  If only I had known this I could have stress-eaten a dozen or so.  Except, of course, that money is the source of my stress, so that wipes out that plan.  Damn, my plans always fail.  I will have to stick to imaginary cupcakes, which contain fewer calories anyway.  And I shall look at cupcake shoes.

Mmmm...I would eat wear all of these.

Today is also my Uncle's birthday!

Here is a picture from the day my brother and I were baptized, back when my uncle still liked me.  See how I'm reaching toward him?  Hopefully I was past it by this age, but as a baby I spit up on him every time he picked me up.  It's amazing he didn't stop liking me sooner!  I don't remember the spitting up, but I do remember lots of other fun and silly memories, and I have many, many reasons to be grateful he's my uncle.  He has recently lost over 100 lbs (maybe closer to 200 now?) which is awesome, so wouldn't be eating cupcakes today, nor would he wear cupcake shoes, but hopefully he found other ways to enjoy the day, and hopefully no one spit up on him.

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