Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Charlie Brown Christmas

Today was Chocolate Covered Anything Day!  Mmmmm (and kind of gross if taken too literally).  I've already done a bunch of chocolate shoe posts, so I'm not going in that direction tonight.  I was feeling kind of grumpy and down tonight so I decided to watch both Charlie Brown Christmas movies to try to cheer myself up, then went to see if there were any shoes to go with the movies.  There are a few, actually.

I'm sure hese would be cute if I could see the whole pair.  I don't understand why the picture is cut off, and I couldn't find another picture.  Rude.

I've posted these before, but they're adorable, so just pretend you've never seen them and think about chubby baby/toddler feet.

Snoopy is ice skating and the polka dots are red and green, so I say close enough.

Not shoes, but fun!

Also not shoes, but dang.  Maybe they aren't as hard as they look, but for a non-crafty person such as myself they look next to impossible.

I'm going to take my grumpy behind to bed and try to keep Linus's reminder of Christmas in mind.

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