Thursday, December 10, 2015

Festival for What?!

I wasn't sure you'd believe me if I didn't show you:

First, I'm always fascinated by the diversity of holidays on any given day.  National Lager Day is on Human Rights and Nobel Prize Day, so those go together if you want to celebrate with a drink.  And the Dewey Decimal System covers everything.  Did you see that second one, though?  Why do the souls of dead whales need a yearly festival?  And what happens at this festival?  I could look it up, but it's so much more fun just to randomly speculate.

At least it gave me a theme for tonight, and it turns out there are some pretty cute whale shoes out there.

So much blue! Really, what's not to love?  At least I know that if I ever get invited to a Festival for the Souls of Dead Whales there are shoes available for the whole family!

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