Wednesday, December 9, 2015


According to my handy dandy holiday calendar today is Christmas card day.  Do you send Christmas cards?  We normally do a picture card each year, but this year we don't have the money.  I love getting Christmas cards, they are happy mail in my opinion, and a nice change from the usual junk.  I won't be sending cards this year, but at least today gives me a chance to go look at some Christmas shoe cards:

I like the simplicity of this one.  Plus I like the play on words with "shoe tree."  I'm easily amused.

Not as cute as the first card, but I'm impressed Oscar sent out shoe cards!

I think I've posted this one before, but it's still cute.

This one could have gone in my candy cane post.

This is weird. I'm not entirely sure what's going on here.

A little boring, but still cute.
 I like this one for the variety.

I like the added details on this one.

Hey, Mom.  This explains the choice for why we got to make cards on the Advent Calendar today!

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