Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Happy Birthday, Grandma!

I'm feeling a little weepy today.  It's part hormones, part homesickness, part stress, and a very large chunk is nostalgia over the fact that today would have been my Grandma Sylvia's 98th birthday (which also ties in with the homesickness).  I've posted the story on Facebook and here before, so you've probably heard it a million times, but for me this is the day that Christmas starts because this is the day we would go to Grandma and Grandpa's.  The 23rd was for celebrating Grandma's birthday, the 24th was for church on Christmas Eve (and much much much anticipation) and then the 25th obviously was Christmas.  It might not sound so exciting, but it was tradition, and I have so many memories from all of the years we went there.  The crazy thing is that it's been over 20 years since the last time we went to Grandma's for Christmas because we started bringing her to our house when she got a little older.  Grandma died 5 1/2 years ago and I miss her all the time, but especially during this week.  So I'm eating angel food cake to celebrate her as I write this, and following are some shoes in honor of her birthday.

The baby shoes are supposedly from 1917, and the slip was listed as from the 1910s sometime.

This was from the same etsy page and those might be the same shoes?  But I thought the outfit was really sweet and it was listed as from 1917, so I'm going with it.  Maybe baby grandma wore something similar.

I thought what the heck and typed in "angel food cake shoes."  How weird are these?  I can't imagine Grandma wearing flip flops, let alone angel food cake themed flip flops.  For that matter I can't imagine her wearing angel food cake themed anything.

Sylvia shoes!  Love them.

Another example of a Sylvia shoe.  I like the colors, and the style is one I normally would like, but this isn't my favorite.  It came in a couple of different colors, and they all left me a little flat.  But still, the colors are good.

Happy Birthday, Grandma!

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