Thursday, December 24, 2015

Merry Christmas Eve!

I hope you are all enjoying your Christmas Eve.  I'm going to go with secular Santa shoes today rather than religious nativity shoes because baby Jesus shoes are a little bit creepy and wrong.

Baby Santa slippers!  I would wear these if they came in my size.

I would wear these, too.  The PB and I could have matching Santa shoes!

These are from the same website I found the snowman shoes on the other day.  They are blue and festive and fun!
Speaking of blue and festive and fun.  If that site weren't so expensive I might have more themed shoes than are strictly necessary.

More cute shoes for the PB.  Are those pink?

This was too sweet not to include.  If PB should be a girl she would definitely need this.  I'm sure there's an equally cute one for a boy.

Merry Christmas Eve (again)!  The hubby and I have some movie passes so I think we're going to go see Star Wars this afternoon.  Yay!

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