Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to you and yours!  I hope you are having a wonderful day with family and friends and lots of love.

This is a store window in Seattle, and I stole this picture from a friend on Facebook who took it and posted it. So festive! 

This one was sent to me, I didn't steal it. It's a shoe tree wth actual shoes. I both like it and think it's over the top crazy. Plus I think it's in a bathroom. 

I've been wearing Christmas socks exclusively for about 2 weeks now, so even though you've seen them before I'm showing them again. 

This is the newest pair, that SKD gave me last year after after she saw them on this post.  She has the green pair, of course!  Tallulah gave me an assist on modeling of the socks.

I've been pretty secular the last couple of days, so if you're needing some baby Jesus, here is the link to last year's nativity post. I did go to church last night which was lovely. The pastor's 5 year old daughter sat with me and snuggled with me and then told me,  "I just love you. " Yeah, I needed that.

Merry Christmas! I'm going back to sleep since the hubby woke me up at 4 to open presents and again at 7 to chat. 

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