Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Shoe Tree

Whew...I'm exhausted from decorating tonight's tree:

Yep, it's my ginormous 2 foot shoe tree with somewhere around 10 ornaments.  This is only the 2nd year I've put it up since I was in MT last year.  It lived in my office the first year, but now it can be home. This tree could use a few more ornaments to fill it out so I went window shopping:

Of course I found a blue one first.

Isn't this a fun shape?  I can't imagine it would be comfortable as a real shoe since it looks like it would stab the top of your foot, but I like the color and the design. 

More blue, and more fun detailing.  Stumpy little heel, though.

How perfect is this since my parents own a movie theater?

I just thought this was a fun picture with lots of different options.

Well, now that I'm so very tired from all of that hard decorating work, I guess I'll head to bed.

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