Monday, January 11, 2016


Have you seen the movie Inside Out? The hubby and I watched it tonight and it was really cute. It's also a really bad idea to watch a movie about complicated emotions when my emotions are overly complicated right now. Yep, I totally cried because I am pathetic. I shall move on by looking at shoes. 

Joy is all golden, but she has blue hair. I really need to find more joy in my life.

Anger is red and his head lights on fire when he gets really upset.

Sadness is blue of course. They really should have asked me to voice her. I could nail it right now.

Disgust is green and quite stylish.

Fear is purple and wears houndstooth. This is what came up when I typed in lavender houndstooth. It doesn't make sense, and yet is kind of perfect. 

All that crying made me tired, so I'm off to bed now. 

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