Thursday, January 14, 2016

Days of the Week

My beloved auntie, who sadly is no longer with us, made me a set of Days of the Week towels the Christmas before she passed, and since we've been showing the house and I've been kind of silly and anal about putting out the correct one each day.

Yes, I know it's Thursday, and the Thursday one is currently on the counter in the kitchen, but I took this yesterday and sent it to the BFF because lately when I see the towels I think of the scene in When Harry Met Sally when Sally talks about the days of the week underpants.  If you've seen the movie as many times as we have I'm sure you can quote the dialogue.  If not, then here is the scene (be warned, it talks about *gasp* sex):

Then, of course, I had to go search for days of the week shoes.

This was the only one I found.  It's cute enough, but probably not something I'd wear unless it was for something specific.

There was lots of socks, though.  The PB could have a set of days of the week socks!

So could I!  And these are stripey and polka dotty, which makes them even more awesome.

And since it's the theme of the clip, I couldn't resist this.  This set actually has Sunday.  Must be an atheist set.  Now that I think about it, I think I had a set of days of the week underpants as a kid.  Not sure if they had Sunday or not.  Mom, any memories on this?

Yeah, I know, this was definitely a random post, but some days are more random than others.

1 comment:

  1. I'm guessing all 7 days but I don't remember for sure. ME
