Saturday, January 2, 2016


Have I mentioned lately that the Pinterest Friend is awesome?  Yesterday was Charmander's and Squirtle's  4th birthday (how many is that in dragon years, I wonder?) and she sent me this:

Heehee.  This totally makes me giggle.  The dragons would love to be able to breathe fire, I'm sure.  As Mother of Dragons, I'm very happy that they can't.

She also sent me this recently.  Isn't it cool?  Not as an actual shoe, but as art I think it's really pretty.  I tried to find more like this but didn't succeed, so I went to my fallback and checked out what holidays are happening today:


Wow, January 2nd is packed.  I love that it's both National Buffet and Cream Puff Day and Motivation and Inspiration and Personal Trainer Awareness Day.  You'll definitely need the second after the first!

I am amused that today is Fruitcake Toss Day.  I am also amused that doing a search for fruitcake shoes actually yielded results.

In honor of the holidays as well as my usual resolution to be more health conscious, blue and green tennis shoes!

National Science Fiction Day might be my favorite.  I'm feeling a little lazy, though, so will simply point you in the direction of previously done Science Fictiony posts:  Star Wars and Star Trek.  There are others, I'm sure, but again...lazy.  That, and the fact that we've been at the office again all day while the house is being shown and I've been working on the AdWords campaign, which always makes me a little loopy.  I'm lucky this post has any coherent sentences in it at all.

Now go toss some fruitcake, eat some cream puffs, work out, and watch/read some science fiction!

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