Wednesday, January 20, 2016


Apparently today is Penguin Awareness Day.

I didn't look it up because I prefer to live with my own understanding (or lack thereof) of Penguin Awareness Day.  I did, however, look up some shoes to help celebrate the occasion.

I love these.  The penguin is looking up, so we could have conversations as we walked.

How cute are these?  AND you can make little penguin tracks!

Babies definitely need their own penguin shoes.

I don't know what else to say.  They're all just so stinking cute.

I could do with the fish, but the penguin is still adorable.

These look like they're from the same site where I got found the Santa shoes.  I'm too lazy to look it up, though.  Apparently I celebrate Penguin Awareness Day by being too lazy to look stuff up.  I prefer to live in ignorance and assumption rather than awareness.

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