Thursday, January 21, 2016


Several people have sent me things recently, so I thought I would share them with you.

First, SKD sent me this article about the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and its collection of shoes from the past 50 years.  It's currently in storage, but the collection has over 5,000 pairs of shoes.  Sounds fun to me!  I went to the Met once, but it was so insanely crowded I almost had an anxiety attack (note to self, DON'T go on Thanksgiving weekend).  You should go read the article, but here are 2 of the pairs I thought were interesting:

You know how I feel about flip flops, but these are amazing.  I would wear these.  Or decorate with them.

And of course I love the flower power boots from the 60s.

The Pinterest sent me these the other day.  I'm not exactly sure why except that they are insane and hilarious and therefor awesome.  Who wears these?

She also sent this.  It's shoe are!  It's empowering!  Hooray!

Aaaaand she found nerd socks.  This was totally me as a kid.  Go outside and play?  OK, how about I go outside and read?  Does that count?  This are also a nice segue into the fact that today is Squirrel Appreciation Day. 

Is it me or do these look like bunnies with squirrel tails?  Whatever.  The PB could wear them on Squirrel Appreciation Day and be adorable and appropriately themed.

Finally, Mom sent this picture of Flower's adorable snow boots (with a shoe photo bomb by Laughter).

Finally finally, today is also National Hugging Day.  No shoes, just an invitation to go hug someone you love.  You could also hug someone you don't love, but that might lead to all kinds of awkwardness.

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