Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Mardi Gras

Wow, it's Mardi Gras already.  Mardi Gras/Fat Tuesday/Shrove Tuesday is the day before Lent starts, and Lent is starting early this year.  It's not the earliest it can start, but it's close, which means that Easter will be the end of March.  Normally this is the day when I try to eat as much chocolate as possible without actually throwing up.  I'm not sure if I'm giving up chocolate this year, though.  I'm thinking of taking something on.  A friend posted this link on Facebook of some alternate ideas for Lent, and there's some good stuff, so I might incorporate an idea or two.  In the meantime, I shall post shoes, which currently seems to be the only discipline I can sort of maintain.  I did a Mardi Gras post last year as well, but I tried to find different shoes to share.

These are crazy, but I would totally wear them somewhere Mardi Gras related.  Not actual Mardi Gras, because I wouldn't want to walk around in these for any length of time.  Plus, the streets during Mardi Gras are disgusting with random bodily fluids, so my toes would need to be better protected.

These are festive, but not my favorite.

Also festive!  And clearly DIY.  The imaginary hubby needs them.


Much more practical for lots of walking in disgusting conditions.

Ric rac!  I don't know why I'm excited about ric rac, but I am.  And these are crazy, but I might wear them.

Much more practical for walking, but they'd be filthy in no time.  I'd wear these to a Pancake supper or something.  Or just to the office on Fat Tuesday.

Now that we've looked at shoes I release you to go crazy and get whatever you're giving up out of your system!

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