Monday, February 8, 2016

Go Fly a Kite!

Today is National Kite Flying Day!  As soon as I saw this I started singing Let's Go Fly a Kite from Mary Poppins so now it's been stuck in my head all day.  Which is OK, there are worse songs to have stuck in one's head.  I would have much rather gone kite flying than been at work dealing with stupid error messages, glitches, and customer service trying to get my Outlook to work properly again.  Sigh...why do the supposedly simple tasks always manage to take me an entire day? Sooooo annoying.  You know what isn't annoying?  Baby kite shoes!  I couldn't find any adult ones, but that's OK as the baby ones are adorable.

Basic and blue.  Nothing wrong with that.

These are so stinking cute.

These would also work as bow tie shoes, and I'm happy either way, because blue and flower buttons and  polka dots, oh my!

For my purple peeps!

Turquoise for me, purple for my purple peeps!

Embroidered kits!  Also very sweet.

I hope your day was less frustrating than mine, and maybe involved flying a kite.  Or at least singing the song.  Here is some help in getting it stuck in your head:

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