Tuesday, February 2, 2016

New Boots, Please

I'm not wearing Valentine's socks today because I'm wearing tights.  I know you desperately want to know that, but it is relevant in that I'm wearing tights with a skirt and boots today, and the boots have gotten rather sad:

Notice Chalupa's adorable little feet up there at the top! Sadly adorable puppy feet aren't enough to distract from the state of my (used to be) good, black boots.  I've had them for many years, although I can't remember exactly how many, so at least I got some good use out of them.  I can't actually buy new boots at the moment, but I did go look at some for later.

Oh, first, a really terrible picture of my other pair of black boots.  They're in much better condition, and they're flats, so more comfortable, but that giant red zipper up the backs ruins them for a lot of outfits.  At least I think it does.

I like these.  They're dressy, and have some fun details that aren't too crazy.

Very simple, so they'd go with a lot. That heel looks awfully skinny, though.  I don't wear heels much anymore, so I'm out of practice.

And yet this heel might be a little too clunky?  Overall I like the boot a lot, and I could probably get used the heel.

These seem very similar to my current pair, just without the giant, red zipper (I checked in other angles to make sure). I really like this particular boot. I'm starting to embrace flats a lot more in my life these days, which probably means I'm old and boring or something (just kidding, don't send me snarky messages).

On a side note, Happy Groundhog's Day!  As I found out last year, it's also Hedgehog Day and Marmot Day.  It turns out I've never done an actual groundhog post.  2 years ago February 2 was Super Bowl Sunday, and 3 years ago I posted the same socks I posted yesterday, which is kind of funny (thanks for the socks, SKD...I'd forgotten you gave them to me...good think I have a blog for a memory).

Enough out of me.  I and my sad boots will let you get on with your day.

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