Thursday, February 4, 2016


Today is Friends Day on Facebook.  Facebook is celebrating its 12th birthday by putting together videos showcasing pictures of people's Facebook friends.  I didn't share my video (although I watched it), but decided I'd celebrate my friends with shoes.  Facebook "friends" run the gamut from family to best friends to acquaintances, to people I've never met.  I can't do shoes for all of them (546 friends would take forever), but I'll do a few.  So, in no particular order:

I have lots of friends who love green:  Mom, the Seester, Double A, and SKD, to name a few.  None of them wear heels, so I went with tennies.  Even though blue is my favorite, I'm also a fan of green, and I really like this shade.

Owls for the Pinterest Friend!  She's not into heels, either, but how adorable is this shoe?

Both the BFF and The Bean love purple.  The Bean is my mini-me, and loves her some heels.

We'll go with flats for the BFF.  I think these are adorable.  Flower also likes purple, and as she's only 10 she doesn't really need heels.

These are for the BSF.  I'm not entirely sure why, even.  I liked them, and they reminded me of her, so  there you have it, I guess.

I've posted these before, but they're my favorite of the adult moose shoes.  These, of course, are for my auntie.

There are lots more friends I could find shoes for.  I hope they don't feel left out.  I still love them and want to wish them a Happy Friends Day!

I got something like 21/36 hours of sleep in the last 2 days, so I'm feeling so very much better.  I could actually still go for a nap, but at least I've gotten some good sleep and it's actually helping.

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