Sunday, February 28, 2016

Purple-y Purple

Today is the 3rd Sunday in Lent and I have yet to do a Lenten Purple post.  Since I'm not leading worship anymore, I've stopped coordinating my shoes to the liturgical season, so I guess I'm less in tune with that stuff in terms of posts.  But today I will at least do one Lenten Purple post, which should make the BFF, The Bean, and Flower happy.

So purple-y!  I love the deep, rich color of these.

This looks almost exactly like my wedding shoes, only in purple.  So of course I'm going to have a certain fondness for it.

I don't care for booties, generally, and yet for some reason I kind of like this one.  I don't think I can pull off this particular style, but I'm sure someone out there can, and they need this.

Good color.  Interesting details.  And yet a little bit skanky-looking.

These would have been perfect for Wednesday worship in Lent.  I could have worn flats all day, and still had purple shoes for Wednesday evening worship.

Obviously the PF needs Lenten shoes!  These look so snuggly and warm.

And these are just cute. I would want the adult version and then we could be shoe twins.

So...even though I have failed thus far to do a Lent post, does it count that I'm at least drinking purple Crystal Light right now?  No?  Fine.

Memory Lane:  2013. 2014.  Apparently February 28 in years past is the day when I have posted crazy calendar shoes.

3 Things:
  1. Purple makes me think of some of my favorite people: the BFF, The Bean, and Flower.  I miss them all and wish they were here!
  2. The puppies got a bath today.  Once they dry off and settle down (they are total spazzes after a bath) they will be all soft and pretty smelling, and even better for snuggling.
  3. I've had doors and windows open the last 2 days, airing the house out.  It's still weird for me to be able to do this in February (despite 3 years in TX and 8+ years in CA), but it's lovely.

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