Saturday, February 27, 2016

Thanks Again, PF!

This is the third night in a row I'm doing a post inspired by friends' suggestions, and the 2nd of those 3 nights with shoes from the Pinterest Friend.  She sent me this batch sometime last week (I think), and I'm finally getting around to posting them. cute.  I would love to have these for Easter.

These are trying so hard to be cute, but not quite making it.  Maybe if they were all the pattern without the solid blue?  Or if the flowers were gone?  Just a few too many themes going on. Still cuter than lots and lots of shoes out there.

Huh.  These are the same shoes, with the same amount of themes, but I like them better.  I'm incredibly wishy washy when it comes to shoes.  You know this about me.

I love the scallop-y details on this, and the color, of course.  I wish the white wasn't mesh, but oh well.

See how well the PF knows me?  With the colors and the Mary Janes and the adorableness?  Don't you wish you had a PF?  Because you can't have mine.

Memory Lane:  20132015.

3 Things:
  1. The hubby went to the office for a few hours this morning and I had the house to myself for a few hours for the first time in 107 years.  Blissful introvert time.
  2. We sang Happy Birthday to the hubby's cousin this afternoon.  I love that man. He was one of the groomsmen in our wedding and he makes me smile every time I talk to him.
  3. I'm reading not 1, but 2 awesome books right now.  I don't usually do that, but one is on my Kindle and the other is an actual book.  The actual book can't be read in the dark when the hubby is sleeping, so it gets retired and the Kindle book comes out.

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