Wednesday, February 17, 2016


I opted for yellow shoes today to counteract the gloomy day.

I took this picture with my feet on my desk, don't tell my boss!  (yeah, he's sitting next to me while I type this, so I'm thinking he's going to find out).  These are still some of my favorite shoes, even though they're getting a little worse for wear these days.  I decided a little yellow is cheery, so why not find more yellow and more cheer?

I've posted these in blue before, and they're just as awesome in yellow.

I'm guessing these are wedding shoes.  They're very cheerful.

Oh, I love these.

And these!  I'm loving all of these bright happy shoes today.

Happy, bright baby feet!

Casual, happy, bright baby feet!

I could have had matching shoes with the PB!

Dang, these are tall.  I'm not sure I can pull off yellow boots.  You'd definitely be able to find my feet in a crowd, though.

On Memory Lane, 2013 was a pretty typical entry, but 2014 was the entry where I first wrote about my depression and going on medical leave.  It's been a bumpy 2 years, and I wish I could say everything was perfect now, but it's far from it.  Things are a lot better, though, and for that I'm grateful.  I'm on fewer anti-depressants, and mentally I feel stronger.  The damn voices still won't shut up, but I continue to work on giving them less control.  I'm still not sure what's going on career-wise, if I will ever go back to the church, and that makes me sad and confused and a lot of other complicated emotions.  I don't regret my decision to go on leave, though, despite the craziness and confusion of the past couple of years.  Thank you all for your love, support, and encouragement during everything.

3 Things:

  1. Incredible, supportive friends.
  2. Cheerful shoes on a cloudy day.
  3. Hopefully the last inspection on the house so we can close on time.

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