Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Can You Do Me a Favor?

Today is Do a Grouch a Favor Day, which is both weird and kind of hilarious, but also kind of nice, I guess.  You never know when doing that grouchy person you encounter in your day a favor will brighten their day, put them in a better mood, make your corner of the world a happier place.  I'm frequently a grouch, so hopefully I can both be nice to someone grouchier and/or be cheered up by someone else.  I've already done one post with Oscar the Grouch shoes, but today definitely warrants another.  Here are some shoes (and socks) we can wear while doing our grouches those favors.  

I'll take a pair of each!  Whether you did a grouch a favor today or not, hopefully you cheered or were cheered up by someone in your life.

This day in history is scant, as there's only one previous post.

3 Things:

  1. People who cheer other people up.
  2. Watching the puppies charm everyone in the office today.
  3. Binge-watching TV with the hubby.

1 comment:

  1. Here's a holiday I can celebrate without having to invent a new one. And I was grouchy today so perfect timing. KMc
