Thursday, February 11, 2016


Yesterday was Umbrella Day, and the awesome Pinterest Friend sent me a whole set of cool umbrella themed pictures.  Of course, it was also Ash Wednesday, so I ended up writing about that instead, but I didn't want to ignore the fun stuff she sent, so I'm just going to do Umbrella Day a day late.

 I love this.  That is all.

I've posted these before, but they still crack me up.

So cute!  These would be cute in any color, I'm thinking.

I love these.  And then I realized that they kind of look like you're peeing...

I need this!

And a pair of umbrella socks!

I might love this more than I should.  Drink umbrellas!  It's weird and yet I would totally wear a pair.

Happy Belated Umbrella Day!

Here's your trip down memory lane if you're interested.  On this day in : 2013, 2014, 2015.

Today's 3 things:
  1. The Pinterest Friend.  She is am amazing person and I'm lucky to have her as my friend.
  2. Friends who write really well.
  3. Mornings at work that actually go well and give me hope.

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