Friday, February 12, 2016


My holiday website informed me that today is National Hot Tea Day.  I love tea, and have since I was a kid (although as a kid it probably had a lot to do with the sugar).  When I went to the site I read that this year is the first ever National Hot Tea day.  Then I read a little further and found out that National Hot Tea Day is actually JANUARY 12.  My holiday website has failed me!  But, I'd already found tea shoes, so I'm still going to go with it.

Tea and books!  Sounds like a perfect Saturday afternoon to me.

I know, Arizona Green Tea is iced, not hot, but the pretty can translated to pretty shoes.

These scare me.  They're supposed to be teapots but the make me think of dragons or monsters.

Not scary, but still weird.  If it's a real shoe, I'm sure it's sturdier than it looks, but I keep thinking it should shatter as soon as you stood up on it.

Kind of cute, but still falling short.

My mom collects teapots, maybe she needs some shoes!  I think these are quirky and fun except for the heads.  The heads are also quirky and fun, they just seem like they should be quirky and fun somewhere else.  Why doe the shoepots have heads growing out of them?

Regardless of when the day actually is, I will continue to drink and enjoy my hot tea (still with sugar, just less than when I was a kid, and most often Truvia rather than actual sugar).

In case you're feeling like reading more, on this day in:  2013, 2014, and 2015.

3 things:
  1. Gas money.  Seems like a simple thing, but today I am really really grateful for it.
  2. Today would have been my dad's mom's 103rd birthday.  I have complicated feelings about her, but she was family, and I will take the happy memories I have and try to reconcile the rest.
  3. Laughing with the husband because he is being a total, goofy, adorable dork.

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