Friday, February 5, 2016

Wear Red

Today is National Wear Red Day, so in the spirit of the day I am wearing...salmon.  Sigh...another holiday fail.  Actually, the day is about raising awareness about heart disease in women. Please, friends, take care of yourselves.  Know your family medical history, get regular exams and physicals, be healthy, and don't ignore what your body is telling you.  As your friend who loves you, I thank you in advance.

Since I'm not wearing red, I thought I could at least find some red shoes.  I love each and every pair of what follows, so I'm not going to comment on each picture, because how many times do you need me to say, "ooooh...I love THESE, too!"

I will make a quick comment on this picture just because I really, really want  to see the rest of those dresses.

I do love me some red shoes.

I'm so very glad it's Friday.  I'm feeling better, but the coughing has started, so that always sucks, and I'm still tired all of the time.  I'll most likely be going to bed by 7:00 tonight.  Good times.

1 comment:

  1. I'm wearing red and didn't even know it was wear red day! ME
