Monday, March 28, 2016

Apparently I Need Pictures

Today, in addition to being the day AFTER Easter and the day BEFORE DJ's birthday, is Children's Picture Book Day!  You may have gleaned over the years that I'm somewhat fond of books?  So of course I was excited when I saw this as a holiday, and began thinking of my favorite childhood books.  There are a ton to choose from, and I started to think about a series I used to love called The Betsy-Tacy Books.  I started looking at the books on Amazon, I looked to see if there were any themed shoes that were appropriate (nope), I discovered that there is a Betsy-Tacy society in Mankato, MN and informed Mom that we needed to take a road trip, I found shoes that weren't about the books but still tied in, and THEN I reread the name of the holiday and realized it's Children's Picture Book Day.  Oops.  Maybe if there were pictures instead of words I would have understood it better?  I really can read, honest.  Oh well, I already went down a rabbit hole of nostalgia and am going with the original post.  And, the Betsy-Tacy books do have pictures, they just aren't picture books.  Anyway, if you haven't read them, you should check them out.  I think I will be rereading them soon to see if I still love them as much as I did as a kid.  Here are my Betsy-Tacy shoes for you:

We start with the Betsy shoes.  These would be cute if they bows weren't plastic or rubber or neoprene or whatever and once they have feet inside so I can's see that crazy pattern.

I've posted these before, but don't remember when or why.  I like them.  They are bright and cheery and say spring to me.

Hmmmm...maybe?  I like all the parts (except the pattern) in theory, but less all together.  Or maybe it is just the pattern.  I'd like them a lot better in solid brown with the red accents.

Oooh...sparkly and turquoisy.

Here is where the Tacy shoes start.  Also sparkly!  And strappy.

Like the color, not terribly fond of the shape.  But it gets points for being bright and potentially cheery.

What's up with me and the hot pink shoes tonight?  I like this also.  And I think Betsy and Tacy might appreciate coordinating but not matching shoes.

Damn.  That is one tall boot.  I'd wear it if it were shorter.  I don't like over the knee boots.  Free the knees!

Despite my inability to read properly, at least I got a lovely childhood memory and some interesting shoes out of the deal.

Memory Lane: 2013. 2014. 2015.

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