Sunday, March 27, 2016

Happy Easter!

Christ is Risen!  Happy Easter!  Here are some shoes!

Oh, Irregular Choice...I'd love to know what kind of drugs you are on...

Um.  Who wears these?  Put down the glue gun and back away slowly.

Or these?  At least they are pretty colors?

Oh dear.  I really did have good intentions when I went looking for Easter shoes.  And the the results were really really frightening.  Poor little trapped bunnies.

At least these are marginally cuter.  The bunnies look a little sad, though.  And I just realized I ate zero chocolate on Easter.   I didn't go to church, and I didn't eat chocolate.  I officially suck at Easter.

I posted these last year (turns out I posted those Irregular Choice ones, too), but they're so bright and fun, and I needed a palate cleanser after the rest of this craziness.

These are cute, too, so at least we're ending on a decent note.

Memory Lane: 2013. 2014. 2015.

3 Things:
  1. I made it through Lent with the 3 things!  I missed those 2 days, but made them up, so I didn't do too bad.  And now I will stop subjecting you to this part of the blog.  I should probably tell you all of the deep things I learned about gratitude by doing this, but I'm just too tired to think straight.
  2. We finished at the old house today!  Done.  Yay!
  3. Christ is risen!  We celebrate the promises of the resurrection once again!

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