Friday, March 4, 2016

Doodle Shoes

Today is National Doodle Day, which according to that link, is this:  "National Doodle Day is a doodle-tastic annual fundraising event organised by Epilepsy Action. On Friday 5 February 2016, friends, family and famous faces will join together to draw a line through epilepsy."  Excellent.  I love a day that is helpful.  Are you a doodler?  I can't draw for crap, so doodling always hits my perfectionist button and then I freak out about what is supposed to be a somewhat thoughtless process.  I'm more of a squiggler:

This is a post-it note I squiggled on while I was on one of my 8 million phone calls with various customer service people today.  I used to do this on my notes in class, too.  I have no idea what you would call this besides squiggles.  A squiggle doodle?  A Squoodle?  Oh well.  Let's look at some shoes doodled upon by people who can actually draw:

Look how detailed this are.  I find these really cool and frankly amazing since I definitely can't draw like that.

Also cool, and I like the contrast of the black on the blue shoes.

Or the white on the blue shoes!

I like that these don't match. 

Simple, but again, I like the contrast between the blue shoes and the white doodling.

I *think* these started as white and the  blue was added, because they don't match, and I don't think it's one white shoe and one blue shoe.

Not my favorite, but still cool.

I don't think these are hand-doodled.  If they are someone has WAY more patience than I do.

Happy Doodle day!  Now go doodle on some shoes.  Or scrap paper.  You know, whatever.  No wait, first finish reading this post!

Memory Lane: 2013. 2014. 2015.

3 Things:

  1. I didn't mutter, say, or scream obscenities today when I got super frustrated calling 8 million customer service people today!  (Hey, I'll take my gratitude where I can find it)
  2. Despite my grumpiness I was able to help the sales reps figure some stuff out in a meeting today.  I like when I know stuff that's actually helpful.
  3. I bought on-sale yarn today.  Pedro needs a new hat!

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