Thursday, March 3, 2016

A Little Early

Yesterday while I was running errands I had a lady tell me I looked all bright and cheery like an Easter egg.  She actually meant it as a compliment, although it sounds kind of funny now that I type it out.  I was wearing a dress with lots of fun, springy colors, and she thought I looked festive.  I was going to do a post on pastels since that's what Easter eggs makes me think of, but had to change that idea when I remembered it was Dr. Seuss's birthday.  So I'll do it tonight, instead, even though it's still a few weeks until Easter.

Don't these make you think of Easter eggs?  I'll take several pairs in my Easter basket, please.

 Throw in several pairs of these while you're at it.

Hmmm...not so much.  I don't have anything against this shoe necessarily, but it wouldn't be my first choice.  Although in the 90s I had a fabulous green and pink outfit that would have been awesome with this shoe.

Also not my first choice.  I like the colors and the geometric design, but the overall effect doesn't work for me.

Blue is good.  I must be in a bright color phase, though, because this is also leaving me a little flat.

And yet these are awesome.  AND day 4 of yellow high tops.  I have issues, don't I?  It's can tell me.

Memory Lane: 2013. 2014. 2015.

3 Things:
  1. Finally getting everything straightened out with the bank stuff.  It only took 3 days.
  2. The headache going away.  My dad always says, "just think how good it will feel when it stops hurting," which frankly sucks in the midst of the pain (silly Dad!) but it's definitely true.  Sooooo much nicer without the headache.  Of course, I tried Advil Migraine for the first time and I was high as a kite for several hours after, but at least it worked.
  3. Nice ladies who tell me I look all bright and cheery.  Or like an Easter egg, and maybe that wasn't a compliment, but I'm taking it as one because she was very nice and I will take her at her word.

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