Sunday, March 6, 2016

Happy Birthday, Grandpa!

Today would have been my Grandpa Harry's 110th birthday.  I posted this on Facebook today, but have to share it again as I think it's too funny:

The seester's squinty smile is adorable, I look slighly guilty, and Grandpa looks either bewildered or somewhat disgusted by whatever it is I'm feeling guilty about.  I wish I'd had him in my life for longer, but I'm grateful to have known and been loved by him.  Here are some shoes inspired by my grandpa: 

Harry Potter shoes!  My grandpa, one of my favorite literary characters, and one of my favorite seminary professors all share a name. If the PB is a boy, I think I should try to convince the hubby that Harry would be an awesome name.

Grandpa didn't have a middle name, just a middle initial:  S.  These shoes are a little strange, and I'm not sure that's actually supposed to be an S or if it's just an artistic squiggle, but as I'm rather partial to that particular initial myself, I'll take it.

I have searched for McKenzie shoes a million times before and never found any.  Until tonight!  Yay Grandpa's birthday!  These aren't actually shoes, just shoe clips, but I don't care.  Hmmm...these would have been awesome with my wedding shoes.  Time to plan another imaginary wedding!

Zazzle comes through again.  McKenzie plaid tennies!  I'm going to have to start saving my pennies and get me some.  Then I'll have to save lots more pennies and get a pair for every member of the family.

These are from 1906, supposedly, and they're adorable.

Happy Birthday, Grandpa!

Memory Lane: 2013 ALSO includes plaid!. 2014. 2015 (you might recognize one of these pairs of shoes).

3 Things:
  1. My grandpa, and the memories I have of him.
  2. Today was a mostly lazy day.  I was productive in some ways, but I also spent a good chunk of the day crocheting and watching Netflix.  Delightful.
  3. I made my mom snort coffee today.  Which sounds mean.  Sorry, Mom!  But thanks for chatting with me and thinking I'm occasionally funny.


  1. Your great grandmother said his middle name was Short but it apparently didn't make it onto the birth certificate so Grandpa always listed himself as Harry none McKenzie. Glad to be of assistance with the snorting! ME

    1. I was going to mention that, and then...I didn't.
