Monday, March 7, 2016

What's in a Name?

Guess what?  Today is Fun Facts About Names Day, which is day 2 of International Celebrate Your Name Week!  I've always been fascinated by names:  What they mean, why people are named what they are, etc., and apparently I'm not alone since there is an entire week dedicated to names.  So here is a post dedicated to MY name!  (it's my blog, I'll be narcissistic if I want...)

I've complained before how nothing good comes up when I type in my first name + shoes, but tonight the internet gods smiled on me because these came up!  I love them all, and I actually have a pair of flats in peach that look very similar to that pair on the right.  My first name means princess, which is kind of funny as I'm extremely un-princess-y.  I'm named after my mother's father's sister.

Damn, this is intense.  I think one or the other would be sufficient as both shoes and tights are cool, but they're too much together.   This is one of the pictures that came up for my middle name.  My middle name means light, and I always think Princess Light either makes me sound like a Jedi or a spokes-model for beer.  My middle name is after my mother's father's other sister.  He only had 2 and I get to be named after both.

My maiden name is German, and I don't know why this shoe popped up when I typed it in, but I'm going with it, especially since it goes with the blue theme that is developing in this post.  The hubby and I almost broke up over my last name.  I wanted to keep it, he insisted I take his.  I compromised and hyphenated.

I actually did a post before showing shoes with the hubby's (and now my) last name.  Of course this time I went with the turquoise one since it's a post about me, I like blue, and every other shoe has been blue tonight. I don't hate my new last name by any means, I just didn't want to give up the name I'd had for almost 4 decades.

Happy name week!  Please share stories about your name.  Because I am nosy curious.

Memory Lane: 2013. 2015.

3 Things:
  1. I settled a debt recently.  I actually should have posted this several days ago, but kept forgetting when I was actually posting.  It's a huge, ongoing relief, though, so the gratitude continues.  I'm hoping it will repair a damaged relationship, but only time will tell.
  2. I got to talk to my mama numerous times today.  She is my official office phone-tester guinea pig.  I installed new phones for the reps today, so called her each time I had to test them.  Then she demanded a raise.  We are now paying her $0.53 a month for her services.  When the business goes bankrupt you'll know why...
  3. I got a lot done today.  Everything is still frustrating and taking longer than it should, but at least I got a lot done today.


  1. Just be glad I didn't name you Nora Sarah Ida Helen! Yeah, 2 raises in as many weeks, I'll soon be wealthy! ME

    1. Hmmm...I kind of like it! And apparently you just need to keep demanding raises because the hubby keeps giving them to you!
