Friday, March 18, 2016

Las Vegas

My entire body hurts.  My hands and feet are swollen, I have blisters, I'm covered in bruises, and I'm dehydrated despite drinking a ton.  I guess moving must be going well.  Just like last night I'm exhausted, but thankfully a friend from St. Someone's was window shopping shoes in Las Vegas and sent me pictures.  Isn't that sweet and thoughtful?  And excellent timing as now I can show you those shoes and not have to find something in my befuddled state.  Oh, and speaking of timing, the funny thing is that this same woman sent me pictures on March 18 2 years ago.  It's a trend!

Don't these all seem just perfect for Las Vegas and all of its excess?

Memory Lane: 2013. 2014.

3 Things:

  1. More progress.  I will be soooo happy when this is all done.
  2. Friends who send me shoes, even when they don't realize their timing is perfect.
  3. Snuggle puppies  Poor babies are freaked out with all of the craziness, so they're extra needy and extra snuggly

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