Saturday, March 19, 2016

This Little Piggie Cried

The movers came today. Par for the course of our recent life things did not go smoothly. I'd tell you all about it but I'm too frickin tired. I'll just give you the one piece where I was trying to be helpful and dropped a log on my pinkie toe. I'm not positive it's broken but I also wouldn't be surprised. A friend suggested I need a pair of these:

Steel toe cowgirl boots! They're cute AND practical! My poor toe is cynically wishing I could have thought of this BEFORE dropping the log. (And for any camp friends reading this, yes I was wearing closed toe shoes).

Memory lane: 20132014.

3 Things
  1. Moving day is over! Thank God/gods/goddesses/goodness.
  2. My toe might not be broken.
  3. Moving day is over. I don't care if this is cheating, it warrants two spots on the list.

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