Wednesday, March 30, 2016


It's Manatee Appreciation Day!  I don't really know a lot about manatees, but I appreciate that they are cute, funny, blobby looking creatures that float around.  For some reason I think of them as sweet.  I could be totally mistaken about that.  Let's appreciate some shoes:

How pretty are these?  Until you slide your big, smelly feet in them and squash the poor, blobby manatees.  You should be ashamed of yourself.

That is one dapper manatee.

Dang, Zazzle has a shoe for every occasion.   These are a little odd in that you can't really tell what's on them.  If I hadn't known it was manatees I might not have guessed just by looking.

There weren't a lot of shoe options, so I threw in some socks. Oh my gosh, how cute are these? 
How was your day?  Did you appreciate any manatees?  My day has been kind of rough.  I'm really really tired and I'm not sure why.  I'm also sad for a variety of reasons.  Manatee socks help.  Niece snuggles would be better, though.  I need a teleporter.

Oh well, here is a manatee song to make you smile:

Memory Lane: 2013. 2014.

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