Thursday, March 31, 2016

Eiffel Tower

Today is the 127th anniversary of the opening of the Eiffel Tower.  It was built in 1889 as the entrance to the World's Fair.  I've mentioned before that The Bean loves the Eiffel Tower and really really really wants to go to Paris.  Maybe she can wear some of these shoes when she finally gets there:

OK, she can't wear these first two as they are art and not real shoes.  But they're still fun.  And they wouldn't be comfortable, so they're better as art.

 Much better for being touristy.  And there's a lot of blue, so you know I appreciate that.

Arty in a different way.  I think these are really pretty.

Interesting.  Not my favorite, but I like the concept.  And that they are the colors of France's flag.

Simple but sweet.

Love the colors.  I keep thinking the trees on the right shoe are camels, though.  What is wrong with me?

These are my favorite.  So cute.  Plus, they go with today also being National Crayola Crayon Day.

I've never been to Paris, but I hope to go someday.  Maybe if she's extra nice to her auntie I will take The Bean.

Memory Lane: 2013. 2015 (look, I had some follow-through from last year's post!).


  1. You're not alone, I thought the trees were camels also. Even told The Bean that, she of course said they were trees. ME

  2. Always have been probably always will be. ME
