Monday, March 14, 2016


It's National Pi Day!  You know, π, or 3.14159 etc.  And March 14 is 3-14, so it's Pi day.  Which isn't that exiting to celebrate, but if you add an E and make it PIE day, then we have a holiday!  I was joking with SKD today that with the hubby away at training I was shooting for being an evil, tyrant, bitch-boss, but I think I ruined it by bringing pie!  Heehee.  I think we have pretty darn awesome employees, so I wouldn't actually want to be mean.  Plus, I'm Norwegian and we express our appreciation through food.  Since I can't give you actual pie, how about some shoes?

I would totally wear these on Pi Day.  And they're blue, which just seals the deal even more.

These are hilarious.  I wouldn't wear them, but I appreciate the detail.

Wow, that's commitment to a theme right there. The bent fork for a heel is a nice touch.

Not pie.  Today is also National Workplace Napping Day.  I guess with the time change screwing with everyone's system, and then eating all that pie, a nap might just be in order.  I like to nap in fuzzy socks, and how fun are these?

Today had quite a few holidays, and the list is actually more fun/interesting than some days, which can be just plain weird.

I looked for potato chip shoes, but didn't really find anything.  And I know many of you aren't terribly fond of spiders, so I opted not to post any, just link to the google images in case you actually like spiders and want to look at shoes.  Did you fill your stapler today?  Ask a question?  Do a craft with a child?  Celebrate a scientist?

Memory Lane: 2013. 2014. 2015.

3 Things:

  1. I've been sleeping with the sliding door in our bedroom open the last couple of nights and it's been lovely to have the fresh air and be able to listen to the rain.
  2. Pie!  Not only eating it, but sharing it.  My only wish is that I'd had forethought to bake it myself.
  3. Puppies came to work with me today.  Chalupah is under my desk sleeping with his head on my foot.

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