Tuesday, March 15, 2016


In addition to everything else, yesterday was also Learn About Butterflies Day.  I was going to include a couple of pictures in that post, but when I went looking for butterfly shoes, I found too many cute ones and decided they needed their own post.  Besides, today's holidays aren't that great.  I mean, it's the Ides of March, but who wants shoes about betrayal and stabbing?  Plus, Double A loves butterflies.  So here is a post to celebrate my beautiful second niece:


How crazy/fun are these?  I'm not sure I could see myself wearing them, but I think they're cool, and they come in a whole bunch of color combinations.

Double A is one of my lovers of green, so I had to include at lease one green pair.  Except that she doesn't wear heels, so these would only be loved in an aesthetic sense.

Double A and The Bean could have matching butterfly shoes! The Bean would actually wear the heels, and Double A could just set her pair beside her while we took a picture or something.

Yeah, these are for me.  They would make good wedding shoes.

Ahhh, now this is more Doulbe A's style.  Maybe not the colors so much, but definitely the butterflies and the comfy shoes.

Or these! I think we all need a pair.  The Bean and Flower could have their purple, Mom, The seester, Double A, and Laughter could have their green, and I could have my blue!

Is it weird that I like these?  They are bright and crazy and fun.  Zazzle has a whole bunch more butterfly tennies, too.

Memory Lane: 2013. 2014. 2015.

3 Things:
  1. Double A.  My beautiful 15 year old niece.  She is sweet and loving and funny, and never fails to brighten my day.
  2. Silly hubby, who was making me laugh even as he was making me roll my eyes on the phone last night.
  3. Sunshine.  I need to spend more time in it and soak up some Vitamin D.  It was lovely to drive with the sun roof open earlier.

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