Wednesday, March 16, 2016


Did you know that today is Everything You Do is Right Day?  I didn't even know this was a thing!  My day started with me oversleeping and having to scramble (while swearing) to get to the office in time to open up for the employees, so I feel like I screwed up right away for my chance at having a perfect day where everything I do is right.  This is kind of par for the course for me lately, though.  I've determined in the last week to stop writing so much on the blog about personal stuff and depression stuff and my own tendencies toward perfectionism because you all don't need to hear a constant stream of my crap, so I won't go into the details of this past week.  Instead, I typed in perfect blue shoes just to see what would come up.  I'll leave it up to you as to whether any of these are actually perfect, but I will say ooh la la to the first pair.  They gave me my first shoegasm in quite a long time!

Sigh.  I'd wear all of them.

Memory Lane: 2013. 2014. 2015 (today is also National Artichoke day, but I figured one post on artichokes was more than enough).

3 Things:

  1. Making it to work on time and not breaking any traffic laws to do so.
  2. DJ completed another phase of her Naval journey today toward becoming a nurse, and she seems to be thriving.
  3. I survived yesterday without being betrayed or stabbed!

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