Saturday, March 12, 2016


This will be a quick post because I'm having a sleepover with SKD!  The hubby flew to Pittsburgh today for training so she and I are having some much needed girl time.  Especially since I haven't seen her since Christmas Eve.  We are hanging out in PJs, and for some reason she is wearing BLUE PJs tonight.  She is one of my green girls, what is she thinking?  They're very cute, though, blue with lighter blue polka dots.  So here are (more) blue polka dot shoes:

Love.  Want.


Um...why do I even bother typing?  Of course I want these, too.

These might actually be black?  Maybe they're navy?  They're my least favorite so far, but still cute.

It's still raining here, so these are appropriate.

And the obligatory PB shoe.

Memory Lane: 2013. 2014

3 Things:
  1. Sleepover!  It's good to hang out again.
  2. I had a nap with puppies this afternoon.  It was delightful.
  3. Homemade pizza.  Yay for baking AND for eating.

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