Friday, March 11, 2016

Bunny Bragging

Apparently I'm ignoring Lent and going straight for Easter this year, but I can't wait any longer to show you these newborn props I made for JK Photography (AKA the Pinterest Friend).  It was my first commissioned crochet project!

Doesn't Pedro make an adorable model?  Not that you can see his cute face.  The ears stand up better if I put the hat like that since his head is tiny.  These were a lot of fun to make.  There are a million and 7 mistakes, but I think they turned out fairly OK.  I can't wait to see a newborn shoot done with them.  I think Pedro needs his own hat in a smaller size.  I might have to work on that this weekend.  In the meantime, here are some pink and blue bunny inspired shoes:

Oh my goodness, it's a bunny wearing pink bunny slippers.  I might have just died from cuteness.

How sweet are these?  Simple, but also adorable.

I think these are really cute and really hilarious.  They're also 381 freakin' dollars, which makes them absolutely ridiculous.

You knew there would be a pair like this, didn't you?  I can never resist!

 I wish the faces were a little different on these, and then I think they would be adorable.

Blue and turquoise bunny shoes!  Yes, please.

See comment above.

Again with the face.  These are cuter, but also a little scary?  And those ankle straps seem way too big for the shoes.  And I think those are doll shoes.

Ah, bunny shoes.  I might need some for Easter.  I should have thought of that while I was still in the parish. 

Memory Lane: 2013 (be very afraid). 2014. 2015.

3 Things:
  1. Being asked to make fun crochet projects.
  2. Doing my best (and sort of succeeding) not to freak out about the lack of perfection in that project.
  3. Getting several things accomplished today that took the amount of time they should have instead of 8 million times longer!

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