Wednesday, March 9, 2016

That's Quite The Corner

The hubby and I have started the process of trying to find a new place to live.  Today we looked at a house whose address is on Blue Beaver Way.  I have so many comments.  I'll just leave them to you to make in your own head.  BUT, that's not even the craziest part.  The house is on the corner of Blue Beaver and Blue Squirrel!  The neighborhood streets were all a combination of color and animal.  We saw Grey Bunny, Black Bear, Blue Raven, and then, inexplicably, Lion's Den.  Someone screwed up with that one.  At any rate the streets totally cracked me up.  And the house was really cute.  It looks like we won't end up there, but I would have moved in for the address alone.  In honor of that crazy intersection I give you the following:

Baby shoes and slippers in honor of the day!  These all pretty much crack me up.  Please pray that everything goes well with the next phase of this crazy house journey.

Memory Lane: 2013. 2014. 2015. 2015. (back when I wasn't sleeping, so often posted after midnight, which meant last year got 2 posts on March 9th)

3 Things:

  1. Hilarious street names!
  2. Positive movement in the finding a house process.  I just hope the positivity continues and it all works out.  I can't deal with more stress and setbacks.
  3. Seeing some friends we hadn't seen in awhile and getting an unexpected and really yummy dinner out of the deal.

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