Thursday, March 10, 2016


You know how I've been frustrated lately that everything is taking a million times longer than it should?  Here is the example from today to give you an idea of what my life has turned into:  The hubby has a training coming up in Pittsburgh, so we needed to make arrangements.  It should have taken a half an hour, an hour max to get done.  3 1/2 hours later, 5 phone calls, numerous transfers, 8 customer service agents + an additional 2 phone calls to the bank with several transfers and 4 more customer service people, I finally got him registered and a flight booked.  This is just par for the course for us lately.  It doesn't matter what I'm trying to accomplish, it always feels like a huge battle.  And then I want to eat my feelings.

But let's move on.  Today is Mario Day.  As Super Mario is one of the few video games I have ever attempted, I figured I could find some shoes to celebrate.  Strangely enough, this isn't the first video game post I have done.

There are lots more, but I'm not really in the mood for shoes tonight.  I KNOW.

Memory Lane: 2013. 2014 (holy weirdness, Batman.  You should go look). 2015 (upside down cake!).

3 Things:

  1. We found a house to rent!  It was both a really quick and an excruciatingly long and painful process.
  2. It's been raining again, which is awesome.
  3. Speaking of awesome, today is The International Day of Awesomeness!  I find this hilarious (and awesome), but it gives me a chance to say thank you to all of you awesome friends and family in my life.  Thanks for being awesome!

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