Friday, April 29, 2016

Baby Elsa

I spent a lovely day with the Seester, Flower, Laughter, and 3 kiddos the Seester was watching today, all of whom are very sweet.  They are 13 months, 5, and 7, so I definitely got my kid fix in.  And after yesterday I got a bit of a baby fix, which was a little bittersweet, but she's such a little love that I just tried to soak it in as much as possible.  Her name is Elsa and since she's a baby we all tended to call her baby Elsa.  On a rather random note, I had to laugh because at one point she was chewing on a toy and I looked and it was an Anna doll from Frozen and Elsa was chewing on poor Anna's head.  Maybe you had to be there.  Or maybe I'm just tired from playing with babies and then going home.  Let's look at Baby Elsa shoes so I can go to bed, kay?

I'll try to move on to big people shoes tomorrow, but I'm not promising anything.

Memory Lane: 2013. 2014. 2015.

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